The Montpelier Center is welcoming The Hanover Concert Band to perform their program "Music Throughout the Decades" on Tuesday, October 8th. They have merged the love of history and music into what will be a fun night!
The Hanover Concert band is a community band, and they perform throughout Hanover county and the greater Richmond metro area as the “Musical Ambassadors of Hanover County.” Founded in 1989, the Hanover Concert Band is celebrating its 35th year in 2024.
We are under the direction of Karla Bloom of Montpelier Virginia. Venues have included Hanover Tomato Festival, Virginia War Memorial, Virginia Center Commons Mall, Commemorative Celebrations at Wayside Veterans Memorial Park, as well as Town of Ashland celebrations including the Strawberry Faire, the Ashland 4th of July Family Event, Train Day, Hanover Arts and Activities Center fundraisers and more.
We are under the direction of Karla Bloom of Montpelier Virginia. Venues have included Hanover Tomato Festival, Virginia War Memorial, Virginia Center Commons Mall, Commemorative Celebrations at Wayside Veterans Memorial Park, as well as Town of Ashland celebrations including the Strawberry Faire, the Ashland 4th of July Family Event, Train Day, Hanover Arts and Activities Center fundraisers and more.